What is culture?

What is culture? Could you define it? What does it mean to you?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, its definition is "the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time". Another definition is "music, art, theatre, literature, etc.". Both are correct, and both are linked.

Our own culture is based on everything we have learned throughout our lives. And art, music or dance are part of our traditions. Think about this, would we be the same people we are now if we had grown up in another country? If we had listened to other music? If we had other celebrations?

Culture is not only what we have lived, it is also the typical dishes that define our region, the lullabies our mother sang to us, our beliefs... 

But, how is the culture at the moment? Have we lost the old customs? What role do social networks play? In the next posts, we will see the relationship between culture and social networks.


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