What are social media?

What are social media? Could you define them? What does it mean to you?

According to the Cambridge dictionary, its definition is "they are the websites and computer programs that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet using a computer or mobile phone". When we hear the word social media, we automatically think of Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. We use them daily!

Think about your day, how many times do you use your mobile? How many times do you check your social networks? We use them to talk with our family and friends, to share photos or funny posts, to read the news... They are part of our life.

It is difficult to remember how we communicated before the digital age. Do you remember when we sent letters? Do you remember when you started using the internet in the 2000s? Do you remember when mobiles were only used to call? Communication was much slower, sometimes frustrating.

Furthermore, social media can be useful to promote culture. We will see it soon.


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